Influence of modified light-flavor hadron spectra on particle yields in the statistical hadronization model

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Hadron production in relativistic nuclear collisions is well described in the framework of the Statistical Hadronization Model (SHM). We investigate the influence on SHM predictions of hadron mass spectra for light-flavor baryons and mesons modified by the addition of about 500 new states as predicted by lattice QCD and a relativistic quark model. The deterioration of the resulting thermodynamic fit quality obtained for PbPb collision data at sqrt(s_nn) = 2.76 TeV suggests that the additional states are not suited to be naively used since also interactions among the states as well as non-resonant contributions need to be considered in the SHM approach. Incorporating these effects via the pion nucleon interaction determined from measured phase shifts leads again to excellent reproduction of the experimental data. This is a strong indication that at least the additional nucleon excited states cannot be understood and used as independent resonances.

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