Entanglement Entropy for $T bar T$, $J bar T$, $T bar J$ deformed holographic CFT

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We derive the geodesic equation for determining the Ryu-Takayanagi surface in $AdS_3$ deformed by single trace $mu T bar T + varepsilon_+ J bar T + varepsilon_- T bar J$ deformation for generic values of $(mu, varepsilon_+, varepsilon_-)$ for which the background is free of singularities. For generic values of $varepsilon_pm$, Lorentz invariance is broken, and the Ryu-Takayanagi surface embeds non-trivially in time as well as spatial coordinates. We solve the geodesic equation and characterize the UV and IR behavior of the entanglement entropy and the Casini-Huerta $c$-function. We comment on various features of these observables in the $(mu, varepsilon_+, varepsilon_-)$ parameter space. We discuss the matching at leading order in small $(mu, varepsilon_+, varepsilon_-)$ expansion of the entanglement entropy between the single trace deformed holographic system and a class of double trace deformed theories where a strictly field theoretic analysis is possible. We also comment on expectation value of a large rectangular Wilson loop-like observable.

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