Bootstrapping mixed correlators in $mathcal{N}=4$ Super Yang-Mills

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We perform a numerical bootstrap study of the mixed correlator system containing the half-BPS operators of dimension two and three in $mathcal N = 4$ Super Yang-Mills. This setup improves on previous works in the literature that only considered single correlators of one or the other operator. We obtain upper bounds on the leading twist in a given representation of the R-symmetry by imposing gaps on the twist of all operators rather than the dimension of a single one. As a result we find a tension between the large $N$ supergravity predictions and the numerical finite $N$ results already at $Nsim 100$. A few possible solutions are discussed: the extremal spectrum suggests that at large but finite $N$, in addition to the double trace operators, there exists a second tower of states with smaller dimension. We also obtain new bounds on the dimension of operators which were not accessible with a single correlator setup. Finally we consider bounds on the OPE coefficients of various operators. The results obtained for the OPE coefficient of the lightest scalar singlet show evidences of a two dimensional conformal manifold.

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