Robust Document Representations using Latent Topics and Metadata

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Task specific fine-tuning of a pre-trained neural language model using a custom softmax output layer is the de facto approach of late when dealing with document classification problems. This technique is not adequate when labeled examples are not available at training time and when the metadata artifacts in a document must be exploited. We address these challenges by generating document representations that capture both text and metadata artifacts in a task agnostic manner. Instead of traditional auto-regressive or auto-encoding based training, our novel self-supervised approach learns a soft-partition of the input space when generating text embeddings. Specifically, we employ a pre-learned topic model distribution as surrogate labels and construct a loss function based on KL divergence. Our solution also incorporates metadata explicitly rather than just augmenting them with text. The generated document embeddings exhibit compositional characteristics and are directly used by downstream classification tasks to create decision boundaries from a small number of labeled examples, thereby eschewing complicated recognition methods. We demonstrate through extensive evaluation that our proposed cross-model fusion solution outperforms several competitive baselines on multiple datasets.

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