Optical Push Broom On a Chip

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Here we report the first experimental demonstration of light trapping by a refractive index front in a silicon waveguide, the optical push broom effect. The front generated by a fast pump pulse collects and traps the energy of a CW signal with smaller group velocity and tuned near to the band gap of the Bragg grating introduced in the waveguide. This situation represents an optical analogue of light trapping in a tapered plasmonic waveguide where light is stopped without reflection. The energy of the CW signal is accumulated inside the front and distributed in frequency. In this experiment a 2 ps free carrier front was generated via two photon absorption of the pump in silicon waveguide. It collects approximately a 30 ps long packet of the CW signal. The presented effect can be utilized to compress signals in time and space.

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