Volterra bootstrap: Resampling higher-order statistics for strictly stationary univariate time series

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We are concerned with nonparametric hypothesis testing of time series functionals. It is known that the popular autoregressive sieve bootstrap is, in general, not valid for statistics whose (asymptotic) distribution depends on moments of order higher than two, irrespective of whether the data come from a linear time series or a nonlinear one. Inspired by nonlinear system theory we circumvent this non-validity by introducing a higher-order bootstrap scheme based on the Volterra series representation of the process. In order to estimate coefficients of such a representation efficiently, we rely on the alternative formulation of Volterra operators in reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We perform polynomial kernel regression which scales linearly with the input dimensionality and is independent of the degree of nonlinearity. We illustrate the applicability of the suggested Volterra-representation-based bootstrap procedure in a simulation study where we consider strictly stationary linear and nonlinear processes.

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