Titan harbors a dense, organic-rich atmosphere primarily composed of N$_2$ and CH$_4$, with lesser amounts of hydrocarbons and nitrogen-bearing species. As a result of high sensitivity observations by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Band 6 ($sim$230-272 GHz), we obtained the first spectroscopic detection of CH$_3$C$_3$N (methylcyanoacetylene or cyanopropyne) in Titans atmosphere through the observation of seven transitions in the $J = 64rightarrow63$ and $J = 62rightarrow61$ rotational bands. The presence of CH$_3$C$_3$N on Titan was suggested by the Cassini Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer detection of its protonated form: C$_4$H$_3$NH$^+$, but the atmospheric abundance of the associated (deprotonated) neutral product is not well constrained due to the lack of appropriate laboratory reaction data. Here, we derive the column density of CH$_3$C$_3$N to be (3.8-5.7)$times10^{12}$ cm$^{-2}$ based on radiative transfer models sensitive to altitudes above 400 km Titans middle atmosphere. When compared with laboratory and photochemical model results, the detection of methylcyanoacetylene provides important constraints for the determination of the associated production pathways (such as those involving CN, CCN, and hydrocarbons), and reaction rate coefficients. These results also further demonstrate the importance of ALMA and (sub)millimeter spectroscopy for future investigations of Titans organic inventory and atmospheric chemistry, as CH$_3$C$_3$N marks the heaviest polar molecule detected spectroscopically in Titans atmosphere to date.
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