Strong complete minors in digraphs

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Kostochka and Thomason independently showed that any graph with average degree $Omega(rsqrt{log r})$ contains a $K_r$ minor. In particular, any graph with chromatic number $Omega(rsqrt{log r})$ contains a $K_r$ minor, a partial result towards Hadwigers famous conjecture. In this paper, we investigate analogues of these results in the directed setting. There are several ways to define a minor in a digraph. One natural way is as follows. A strong $overrightarrow{K}_r$ minor is a digraph whose vertex set is partitioned into $r$ parts such that each part induces a strongly-connected subdigraph, and there is at least one edge in each direction between any two distinct parts. We investigate bounds on the dichromatic number and minimum out-degree of a digraph that force the existence of strong $overrightarrow{K}_r$ minors as subdigraphs. In particular, we show that any tournament with dichromatic number at least $2r$ contains a strong $overrightarrow{K}_r$ minor, and any tournament with minimum out-degree $Omega(rsqrt{log r})$ also contains a strong $overrightarrow{K}_r$ minor. The latter result is tight up to the implied constant, and may be viewed as a strong-minor analogue to the classical result of Kostochka and Thomason. Lastly, we show that there is no function $f: mathbb{N} rightarrow mathbb{N}$ such that any digraph with minimum out-degree at least $f(r)$ contains a strong $overrightarrow{K}_r$ minor, but such a function exists when considering dichromatic number.

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