Exotic pentaquark states and Chromomagnetic interaction

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In the framework of the modified chromo-magnetic interaction model, we perform a systematical study on the mass spectrums of the ground pentaquark states with $qqqqbar{Q}$, $qqqQbar{q}$, $QQQQbar{q}$, $QQQQbar{Q}$, and $QQQqbar{Q}$, $(Q=c,b; q=n,s; n=u,d)$ configurations. The isospin-color-spin wave functions satisfying Pauli principle for each type of ground pentaquark states are constructed. With the help of experimental data, we estimate their possible mass spectrums in two different schemes. Based on our results, we present a detailed analysis on the mass spectrums and decay behaviors for the discussed pentquark states. We hope that our study will be helpful to experimentally search for such types of the exotic pentaquark states in the future.

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