The Impact of Disturbed Galaxy Clusters on the Kinematics of Active Galactic Nuclei

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We produce a kinematic analysis of AGN-hosting cluster galaxies from a sample 33 galaxy clusters selected using the X-ray Clusters Database (BAX) and populated with galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 8 (DR8). The 33 galaxy clusters are delimited by their relative intensity of member galaxy substructuring as a proxy to core merging to derive two smaller sub-samples of 8 dynamically active (merging) and 25 dynamically relaxed (non-merging) states. The AGN were selected for each cluster sub-sample by employing the WHAN diagram to the strict criteria of log$_{10}$([NII]/H$alpha$)$geq-0.32$ and EW$_{mathrm{H}alpha}$ $geq$ 6{AA}, providing pools of 70 merging and 225 non-merging AGN sub-populations. By co-adding the clusters to their respective dynamical states to improve the signal-to-noise of our AGN sub-populations we find that merging galaxy clusters on average host kinematically active AGN between 0-1.5 $r_{200}$ as $r_{200}rightarrow0$, where their velocity dispersion profile (VDP) presents a significant deviation from the non-AGN sub-population VDP by $gtrsim3sigma$. This result is indicative that the AGN-hosting cluster galaxies have recently coalesced onto a common potential. Further analysis of the composite distributions illustrate non-merging AGN-hosting sub-populations have, on average, already been accreted and predominantly lie within backsplash regions of the projected phase-space. This suggests merging cluster dynamical states hold relatively younger AGN sub-populations kinematically compared with those found in non-merging cluster dynamical states.

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