Biased continuous-time random walks with Mittag-Leffler jumps

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We construct admissible circulant Laplacian matrix functions as generators for strictly increasing random walks on the integer line. These Laplacian matrix functions refer to a certain class of Bernstein functions. The approach has connections with biased walks on digraphs. Within this framework, we introduce a space-time generalization of the Poisson process as a strictly increasing walk with discrete Mittag-Leffler jumps subordinated to a (continuous-time) fractional Poisson process. We call this process `{it space-time Mittag-Leffler process}. We derive explicit formulae for the state probabilities which solve a Cauchy problem with a Kolmogorov-Feller (forward) difference-differential equation of general fractional type. We analyze a `well-scaled diffusion limit and obtain a Cauchy problem with a space-time convolution equation involving Mittag-Leffler densities. We deduce in this limit the `state density kernel solving this Cauchy problem. It turns out that the diffusion limit exhibits connections to Prabhakar general fractional calculus. We also analyze in this way a generalization of the space-time fractional Mittag-Leffler process. The approach of construction of good Laplacian generator functions has a large potential in applications of space-time generalizations of the Poisson process and in the field of continuous-time random walks on digraphs.

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