Positional games on randomly perturbed graphs

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Maker-Breaker games are played on a hypergraph $(X,mathcal{F})$, where $mathcal{F} subseteq 2^X$ denotes the family of winning sets. Both players alternately claim a predefined amount of edges (called bias) from the board $X$, and Maker wins the game if she is able to occupy any winning set $F in mathcal{F}$. These games are well studied when played on the complete graph $K_n$ or on a random graph $G_{n,p}$. In this paper we consider Maker-Breaker games played on randomly perturbed graphs instead. These graphs consist of the union of a deterministic graph $G_alpha$ with minimum degree at least $alpha n$ and a binomial random graph $G_{n,p}$. Depending on $alpha$ and Breakers bias $b$ we determine the order of the threshold probability for winning the Hamiltonicity game and the $k$-connectivity game on $G_{alpha}cup G_{n,p}$, and we discuss the $H$-game when $b=1$. Furthermore, we give optimal results for the Waiter-Clie

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