Entanglement of Two Jaynes-Cummings Atoms In Single Excitation Space

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the entanglement dynamics of two atoms coupled to their own Jaynes-Cummings cavities in single-excitation space. Here we use the concurrence to measure the atomic entanglement. And the partial Bell states as initial states are considered. Our analysis suggests that there exist collapses and recovers in the entanglement dynamics. The physical mechanism behind the entanglement dynamics is the periodical information and energy exchange between atoms and light fields. For the initial Partial Bell states, only if the ratio of two atom-cavity coupling strengths is a rational number, the evolutionary periodicity of the atomic entanglement can be found. And whether there is time translation between two kinds of initial partial Bell state cases depends on the odd-even number of the coupling strength ratio.

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