Multiscale network renormalization: scale-invariance without geometry

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Systems with lattice geometry can be renormalized exploiting their embedding in metric space, which naturally defines the coarse-grained nodes. By contrast, complex networks defy the usual techniques because of their small-world character and lack of explicit metric embedding. Current network renormalization approaches require strong assumptions (e.g. community structure, hyperbolicity, scale-free topology), thus remaining incompatible with generic graphs and ordinary lattices. Here we introduce a graph renormalization scheme valid for any hierarchy of coarse-grainings, thereby allowing for the definition of `block nodes across multiple scales. This approach reveals a necessary and specific dependence of network topology on an additive hidden variable attached to nodes, plus optional dyadic factors. Renormalizable networks turn out to be consistent with a unique specification of the fitness model, while they are incompatible with preferential attachment, the configuration model or the stochastic blockmodel. These results highlight a deep conceptual distinction between scale-free and scale-invariant networks, and provide a geometry-free route to renormalization. If the hidden variables are annealed, the model spontaneously leads to realistic scale-free networks with cut-off. If they are quenched, the model can be used to renormalize real-world networks with node attributes and distance-dependence or communities. As an example we derive an accurate multiscale model of the International Trade Network applicable across hierarchical geographic partitions.

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