Partial Coactions of Weak Hopf Algebras on Coalgebras

الملخص بالإنكليزية

It will be seen that if $H$ is a weak Hopf algebra in the definition of coaction of weak bialgebras on coalgebras cite{Wang}, then a definition property is suppressed giving rise to the (global) coactions of weak Hopf algebras on coalgebras. The next step will be introduce the more general notion of partial coactions of weak Hopf algebras on coalgebras as well as a family of examples via a fixed element on the weak Hopf algebra, illustrating both definitions: global and partial. Moreover, it will also be presented how to obtain a partial comodule coalgebra from a global one via projections, giving another way to find examples of partial coactions of weak Hopf algebras on coalgebras. In addition, the weak smash coproduct cite{Wang} will be studied and it will be seen under what conditions it is possible to generate a weak Hopf algebra structure from the coproduct and the counit defined on it. Finally, a dual relationship between the structures of partial action and partial coaction of a weak Hopf algebra on a coalgebra will be established.

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