The Dirac Equation and the Majorana Dirac Equation

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We discuss the structure of the Dirac equation and how the nilpotent and the Majorana operators arise naturally in this context. This provides a link between Kauffmans work on discrete physics, iterants and Majorana Fermions and the work on nilpotent structures and the Dirac equation of Peter Rowlands. We give an expression in split quaternions for the Majorana Dirac equation in one dimension of time and three dimensions of space. Majorana discovered a version of the Dirac equation that can be expressed entirely over the real numbers. This led him to speculate that the solutions to his version of the Dirac equation would correspond to particles that are their own anti-particles. It is the purpose of this paper to examine the structure of this Majorana-Dirac Equation, and to find basic solutions to it by using the nilpotent technique. We succeed in this aim and describe our results.

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