Magnon-induced Giant Anomalous Nernst Effect in Single Crystal MnBi

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present galvanomagnetic and thermoelectric transport measurements on signle-crystal MnBi, a rare-earth-free high-temperature permanent magnet material, along different crystallographic directions, and in particular the anomalous Nernst effect in both the in-plane and cross-plane directions. The cross-plane anomalous Nernst thermopower reaches 8 uV/K at 0.4 T applied field. The anomalous Hall effect also has been measured for both in-plane and cross-plane directions, with opposite signs along different orientations. We attribute this large anomalous Nernst effect to a combination of an intrinsic contribution from the Berry curvature and a new advective magnon contribution arising from magnon-electron spin-angular momentum transfer, which can be viewed as a self-spin Seebeck effect.

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