ClipFlip : Multi-view Clipart Design

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present an assistive system for clipart design by providing visual scaffolds from the unseen viewpoints. Inspired by the artists creation process, our system constructs the visual scaffold by first synthesizing the reference 3D shape of the input clipart and rendering it from the desired viewpoint. The critical challenge of constructing this visual scaffold is to generate a reference 3Dshape that matches the users expectation in terms of object sizing and positioning while preserving the geometric style of the input clipart. To address this challenge, we propose a user-assisted curve extrusion method to obtain the reference 3D shape.We render the synthesized reference 3D shape with consistent style into the visual scaffold. By following the generated visual scaffold, the users can efficiently design clipart with their desired viewpoints. The user study conducted by an intuitive user interface and our generated visual scaffold suggests that the users are able to design clipart from different viewpoints while preserving the original geometric style without losing its original shape.

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