Positivity Conditions for Cubic, Quartic and Quintic Polynomials

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present a necessary and sufficient condition for a cubic polynomial to be positive for all positive reals. We identify the set where the cubic polynomial is nonnegative but not all positive for all positive reals, and explicitly give the points where the cubic polynomial attains zero. We then reformulate a necessary and sufficient condition for a quartic polynomial to be nonnegative for all positive reals. From this, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for a quartic polynomial to be nonnegative and positive for all reals. Our condition explicitly exhibits the scope and role of some coefficients, and has strong geometrical meaning. In the interior of the nonnegativity region for all reals, there is an appendix curve. The discriminant is zero at the appendix, and positive in the other part of the interior of the nonnegativity region. By using the Sturm sequences, we present a necessary and sufficient condition for a quintic polynomial to be positive and nonnegative for all positive reals. We show that for polynomials of a fixed even degree higher than or equal to four, if they have no real roots, then their discriminants take the same sign, which depends upon that degree only, except on an appendix set of dimension lower by two, where the discriminants attain zero.

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