Backward-angle Exclusive pi0 Production above the Resonance Region

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The proposed measurement is a dedicated study of the exclusive electroproduction process,1H(e,ep)pi0, in the backward-angle regime (u-channel process) above the resonance region. The produced pi0 is emitted 180 degrees opposite to the virtual-photon momentum. This study also aims to apply the well-known Rosenbluth separation technique that provides the model-independent differential cross-sections at the never explored u-channel kinematics region. Currently, the soft-hard transition in u-channel meson production remains an interesting and unexplored subject. The available theoretical frameworks offer competing interpretations for the observed backward-angle cross section peaks. In a soft hadronic Regge exchange description, the backward meson production comes from the interference between nucleon exchange and the meson produced via re-scattering within the nucleon. Whereas in the hard GPD-like backward collinear factorization regime, the scattering amplitude factorizes into a hard subprocess amplitude and baryon to meson transition distribution amplitudes (TDAs), otherwise known as super skewed parton distributions (SuperSPDs). Both TDAs and SPDs are universal non-perturbative objects of nucleon structure accessible only through backward-angle kinematics. The separated cross sections:sigma_T,sigma_L and T/L ratio at Q2=2-6 GeV2, provide a direct test of two predictions from the TDA model. The magnitude and u-dependence of the separated cross sections also provide a direct connection to the re-scattering Regge picture. The extracted interaction radius (from u-dependence) at different Q2 can be used to study the soft-hard transition in the u-channel kinematics. The acquisition of these data will be an important step forward in validating the existence of a backward factorization scheme of the nucleon structure function and establishing its applicable kinematic range.

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