Single particle tracking uncertainties in ion imaging

الملخص بالإنكليزية

An extensive comparison of the path uncertainty in single particle tracking systems for ion imaging was carried out based on Monte Carlo simulations. The spatial resolution as function of system parameters such as geometry, detector properties and the energy of proton and helium beams was investigated to serve as a guideline for hardware developments. Primary particle paths were sampled within a water volume and compared to the most likely path estimate obtained from detector measurements, yielding a depth-dependent uncertainty envelope. The maximum uncertainty along this curve was converted to a conservative estimate of the minimal radiographic pixel spacing for a single set of parameter values. Simulations with various parameter settings were analysed to obtain an overview of the reachable pixel spacing as function of system parameters. The results were used to determine intervals of detector material budget and position resolution that yield a pixel spacing small enough for clinical dose calculation. To ensure a pixel spacing below 2 mm, the material budget of a detector should remain below 0.25 % for a position resolution of 200 $mathrm{mu m}$ or below 0.75 % for a resolution of 10 $mathrm{mu m}$. Using protons, a sub-millimetre pixel size could not be achieved for a phantom size of 300 mm or at a large clearance. With helium ions, a sub-millimetre pixel spacing could be achieved even for a large phantom size and clearance, provided the position resolution was less than 100 $mathrm{mu m}$ and material budget was below 0.75 %.

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