Dynamical Fermionization in One Dimensional Spinor Gases

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Dynamical fermionization refers to the phenomenon in Tonks-Girardeau (TG) gases where, upon release from harmonic confinement, the gass momentum density profile evolves asymptotically to that of an ideal Fermi gas in the initial trap. This phenomenon has been demonstrated theoretically in hardcore and anyonic TG gases, and recently experimentally observed in a strongly interacting Bose gas. We extend this study to a one dimensional (1D) spinor gas of arbitrary spin in the strongly interacting regime, and analytically prove that the total momentum distribution after the harmonic trap is turned off approaches that of a spinless ideal Fermi gas, while the asymptotic momentum distribution of each spin component takes the same shape of the initial real space density profile of that spin component. Our work demonstrates the rich physics arising from the interplay between the spin and the charge degrees of freedom in a spinor system.

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