Entanglement Entropy of Causal Set de Sitter Horizons

الملخص بالإنكليزية

de Sitter cosmological horizons are known to exhibit thermodynamic properties similar to black hole horizons. In this work we study causal set de Sitter horizons, using Sorkins spacetime entanglement entropy (SSEE) formula, for a conformally coupled quantum scalar field. We calculate the causal set SSEE for the Rindler-like wedge of a symmetric slab of de Sitter spacetime in $d=2,4$ spacetime dimensions using the Sorkin-Johnston vacuum state. We find that the SSEE obeys an area law when the spectrum of the Pauli-Jordan operator is appropriately truncated in both the de Sitter slab as well as its restriction to the Rindler-like wedge. Without this truncation, the SSEE satisfies a volume law. This is in agreement with Sorkin and Yazdis calculations for the causal set SSEE for nested causal diamonds in $mathbb{M}^2$, where they showed that an area law is obtained only after truncating the Pauli-Jordan spectrum. In this work we explore different truncation schemes with the criterion that the SSEE so obtained obeys an area law.

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