Generating pure spin currents via the spin Hall effect in heavy metals has been an active topic of research in the last decade. In order to reduce the energy required to efficiently switch neighbouring ferromagnetic layers for applications, one should not only increase the charge- to-spin conversion efficiency but also decrease the longitudinal resistivity of the heavy metal. In this work, we investigate the spin Hall conductivity in W_{1-x}Ta_{x} / CoFeB / MgO (x = 0 - 0.2) using spin torque ferromagnetic resonance measurements. Alloying W with Ta leads to a factor of two change in both the damping-like effective spin Hall angle (from - 0.15 to - 0.3) and longitudinal resistivity (60 - 120 {mu}W cm). At 11% Ta concentration, a remarkably high spin Hall angle value of - 0.3 is achieved with a low longitudinal resistivity 100 {mu}W cm, which could lead to a very low power consumption for this W-based alloy. This work demonstrates sputter-deposited W-Ta alloys could be a promising material for power-efficient spin current generation.
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