Superspreaders and High Variance Infectious Diseases

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A well-known characteristic of pandemics such as COVID-19 is the high level of transmission heterogeneity in the infection spread: not all infected individuals spread the disease at the same rate and some individuals (superspreaders) are responsible for most of the infections. To quantify this phenomenon requires the analysis of the effect of the variance and higher moments of the infection distribution. Working in the framework of stochastic branching processes, we derive an approximate analytical formula for the probability of an outbreak in the high variance regime of the infection distribution, verify it numerically and analyze its regime of validity in various examples. We show that it is possible for an outbreak not to occur in the high variance regime even when the basic reproduction number $R_0$ is larger than one and discuss the implications of our results for COVID-19 and other pandemics.

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