Umbral chromospheric fine structure and umbral flashes modelled as one: the corrugated umbra

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Small-scale umbral brightenings (SSUBs), umbral microjets, spikes or short dynamic fibrils (SDFs), and umbral dark fibrils are found in any observation of the chromosphere with sufficient spatial resolution. We study the spatial and spectral co-evolution of SDFs, SSUBs, and umbral flashes in Ca II 8542 spectral profiles. We produce models that generate the spectral profiles for all classes of features using non-LTE radiative transfer with a recent version of the NICOLE inversion code. We find that both bright (SSUBs) and dark (SDFs) structures are described with a continuous feature in the parameter space that is distinct from the surroundings even in pixel-by-pixel

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