Robust Deep Reinforcement Learning through Adversarial Loss

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Deep neural networks, including reinforcement learning agents, have been proven vulnerable to small adversarial changes in the input, thus making deploying such networks in the real world problematic. In this paper, we propose RADIAL-RL, a method to train reinforcement learning agents with improved robustness against any $l_p$-bounded adversarial attack. By simply minimizing an upper bound of the loss functions under worst case adversarial perturbation derived from efficient robustness verification methods, we significantly improve robustness of RL-agents trained on Atari-2600 games and show that RADIAL-RL can beat state-of-the-art robust training algorithms when evaluated against PGD-attacks. We also propose a new evaluation method, Greedy Worst-Case Reward (GWC), for measuring attack agnostic robustness of RL agents. GWC can be evaluated efficiently and it serves as a good estimate of the reward under the worst possible sequence of adversarial attacks; in particular, GWC accounts for the importance of each action and their temporal dependency, improving upon previous approaches that only evaluate whether each single action can change under input perturbations. Our code is available at

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