The halo of M105 and its group environment as traced by planetary nebula populations: I. Wide-field photometric survey of planetary nebulae in the Leo I group

الملخص بالإنكليزية

M105 (NGC 3379) is an early-type galaxy in the Leo I group. This group is the nearest group that contains all main galaxy types and can thus be used as a benchmark to study the properties of the intra-group light (IGL) in low-mass groups. We use PNe as discrete stellar tracers of the diffuse light around M105. PNe were identified on the basis of their bright [OIII]5007 AA emission and the absence of a broad-band continuum. We compare the PN number density profile with the galaxy surface-brightness profile decomposed into metallicity components using published HST photometry in two halo fields. We identify 226 PNe candidates within a limiting magnitude of mlim = 28.1 from our Subaru-SuprimeCam imaging, covering 67.6 kpc along the major axis of M105 and the halos of NGC 3384 and NGC 3398. We find an excess of PNe at large radii compared to the stellar surface brightness profile from broad-band surveys. This excess is related to a variation in the luminosity-specific PN number $alpha$ with radius. The $alpha$-parameter value of the extended halo is more than 7 times higher than that of the inner halo. We also measure an increase in the slope of the PN luminosity function at fainter magnitudes with radius. We infer that the radial variation of the PN population properties is due to a diffuse population of metal-poor stars ([M/H] < -1.0) following an exponential profile, in addition to the M105 halo. The spatial coincidence between the number density profile of these metal-poor stars and the increase in the $alpha$-parameter value with radius establishes the missing link between metallicity and the post-AGB phases of stellar evolution. We estimate that the total bolometric luminosity associated with the exponential IGL population is 2.04x10^9 Lsun as a lower limit, corresponding to an IGL fraction of 3.8%. This work sets the stage for kinematic studies of the IGL in low-mass groups.

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