Inverse problems spanning four or more dimensions such as space, time and other independent parameters have become increasingly important. State-of-the-art 4D reconstruction methods use model based iterative reconstruction (MBIR), but depend critically on the quality of the prior modeling. Recently, plug-and-play (PnP) methods have been shown to be an effective way to incorporate advanced prior models using state-of-the-art denoising algorithms. However, state-of-the-art denoisers such as BM4D and deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are primarily available for 2D or 3D images and extending them to higher dimensions is difficult due to algorithmic complexity and the increased difficulty of effective training. In this paper, we present multi-slice fusion, a novel algorithm for 4D reconstruction, based on the fusion of multiple low-dimensional denoisers. Our approach uses multi-agent consensus equilibrium (MACE), an extension of plug-and-play, as a framework for integrating the multiple lower-dimensional models. We apply our method to 4D cone-beam X-ray CT reconstruction for non destructive evaluation (NDE) of samples that are dynamically moving during acquisition. We implement multi-slice fusion on distributed, heterogeneous clusters in order to reconstruct large 4D volumes in reasonable time and demonstrate the inherent parallelizable nature of the algorithm. We present simulated and real experimental results on sparse-view and limited-angle CT data to demonstrate that multi-slice fusion can substantially improve the quality of reconstructions relative to traditional methods, while also being practical to implement and train.
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