Quantum Advantage in Information Retrieval

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Random access codes have provided many examples of quantum advantage in communication, but concern only one kind of information retrieval task. We introduce a related task - the Torpedo Game - and show that it admits greater quantum advantage than the comparable random access code. Perfect quantum strategies involving prepare-and-measure protocols with experimentally accessible three-level systems emerge via analysis in terms of the discrete Wigner function. The example is leveraged to an operational advantage in a pacifist version of the strategy game Battleship. We pinpoint a characteristic of quantum systems that enables quantum advantage in any bounded-memory information retrieval task. While preparation contextuality has previously been linked to advantages in random access coding we focus here on a different characteristic called sequential contextuality. It is shown not only to be necessary and sufficient for quantum advantage, but also to quantify the degree of advantage. Our perfect qutrit strategy for the Torpedo Game entails the strongest type of inconsistency with non-contextual hidden variables, revealing logical paradoxes with respect to those assumptions.

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