$F$-thresholds $c^I({bf m})$ for projective curves

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We show that if $R$ is a two dimensional standard graded ring (with the graded maximal ideal ${bf m}$) of characteristic $p>0$ and $Isubset R$ is a graded ideal with $ell(R/I) <infty$ then the $F$-threshold $c^I({bf m})$ can be expressed in terms of a strong HN (Harder-Narasimahan) slope of the canonical syzygy bundle on $mbox{Proj}~R$. Thus $c^I({bf m})$ is a rational number. This gives us a well defined notion, of the $F$-threshold $c^I({bf m})$ in characteristic $0$, in terms of a HN slope of the syzygy bundle on $mbox{Proj}~R$. This generalizes our earlier result (in [TrW]) where we have shown that if $I$ has homogeneous generators of the same degree, then the $F$-threshold $c^I({bf m})$ is expressed in terms of the minimal strong HN slope (in char $p$) and in terms of the minimal HN slope (in char $0$), respectively, of the canonical syzygy bundle on $mbox{Proj}~R$. Here we also prove that, for a given pair $(R, I)$ over a field of characteristic $0$, if $({bf m}_p, I_p)$ is a reduction mod $p$ of $({bf m}, I)$ then $c^{I_p}({bf m}_p) eq c^I_{infty}({bf m})$ implies $c^{I_p}({bf m}_p)$ has $p$ in the denominator, for almost all $p$.

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