Proton induced deuteron knockout reaction as a probe of an isoscalar proton-neutron pair in nuclei

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The isoscalar $pn$ pair is expected to emerge in nuclei having the similar proton and neutron numbers but there is no clear experimental evidence for it. We aim to clarify the correspondence between the $pn$ pairing strength in many-body calculation and the triple differential cross section (TDX) of proton-induced deuteron knockout ($p,pd$) reaction on $^{16}$O. The radial wave function of the isoscalar $pn$ pair with respect to the center of $^{16}$O is calculated with the energy density functional (EDF) approach and is implemented in the distorted wave impulse approximation (DWIA) framework. The $pn$ pairing strength $V_0$ in the EDF calculation is varied and the corresponding change in the TDX is investigated. A clear $V_0$ dependence of the TDX is found for the $^{16}$O($p,pd$)$^{14}$N($1_2^+$) at $101.3$ MeV. The nuclear distortion is found to make the $V_0$ dependence stronger. Because of the clear $V_0$-TDX correspondence, the ($p,pd$) reaction will be a promising probe for the isoscalar $pn$ pair in nuclei. For quantitative discussion, further modification of the description of the reaction process will be necessary.

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