Thermal processes are one of the most common systems in the industry, making its understanding a mandatory skill for control engineers. So, multiple efforts are focused on developing low-cost and portable experimental training rigs recreating the thermal process dynamics and controls, usually limited to SISO or low order 2x2 MIMO systems. This paper presents PHELP, a low-cost, portable, and high order MIMO educational platform for uniformity temperature control training. The platform is composed of an array of 16 Peltier modules as heating elements, with a lower heating and cooling times, resulting in a 16x16 high order MIMO system. A low-cost real-time infrared thermal camera is employed as a temperature feedback sensor instead of a standard thermal sensor, ideal for high order MIMO system sensing and temperature distribution tracking. The control algorithm is developed in Matlab/Simulink and employs an Arduino board in hardware in the loop configuration to apply the control action to each Peltier module in the array. A temperature control experiment is performed, showing that the platform is suitable for teaching and training experiences not only in the classroom but also for engineers in the industry. Furthermore, various abnormal conditions can be introduced so that smart control engineering features can be tested.