Photon-mediated entanglement scheme between a ZnO semiconductor defect and a trapped Yb ion

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We propose an optical scheme to generate an entangled state between a trapped ion and a solid state donor qubit through which-path erasure of identical photons emitted from the two systems. The proposed scheme leverages the similar transition frequencies between In donor bound excitons in ZnO and the $^2P_{1/2}$ to $^2S_{1/2}$ transition in Yb$^+$. The lifetime of the relevant ionic state is longer than that of the ZnO system by a factor of 6, leading to a mismatch in the temporal profiles of emitted photons. A detuned cavity-assisted Raman scheme weakly excites the donor with a shaped laser pulse to generate photons with 0.99 temporal overlap to the Yb$^+$ emission and partially shift the emission of the defect toward the Yb$^+$ transition. The remaining photon shift is accomplished via the dc Stark effect. We show that an entanglement rate of 21 kHz and entanglement fidelity of 94 % can be attained using a weak excitation scheme with reasonable parameters.

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