Constraint on the Yukawa suppression of the Newtonian potential from the planetary ephemeris INPOP19a

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We use the latest solution of the ephemeris INPOP (19a) in order to improve our previous constraint on the existence of a Yukawa suppression to the Newtonian potential, generically associated to a gravitons mass. Unlike the ephemeris INPOP17a, several residuals are found to degrade significantly at roughly the same amplitudes of the Compton wavelength $lambda_g$. As a consequence, we introduce a novel statistical criterion in order to derive the constraint with INPOP19a. After checking that it leads to a constraint consistent with our previous result when applied on INPOP17b, we apply the method to the new solution INPOP19a. We show that the residuals of Mars orbiters, Cassini, Messenger, and Juno, degrade significantly when $lambda_g leq$ $3.43 times 10^{13}$ km with a 99,7% confidence level -- corresponding to a graviton mass bigger than $3.62 times 10^{-23}$ eV$/c^2$. This is a stronger constraint on the Compton wavelength than the one obtained from the first gravitational-wave transient catalog by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration in the radiative regime, since our 90% C.L. limit reads $lambda_g >3.93 times 10^{13}$ km ($m_g <3.16 times 10^{-23}$ eV$/c^2$).

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