Stochastic Bandits with Linear Constraints

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study a constrained contextual linear bandit setting, where the goal of the agent is to produce a sequence of policies, whose expected cumulative reward over the course of $T$ rounds is maximum, and each has an expected cost below a certain threshold $tau$. We propose an upper-confidence bound algorithm for this problem, called optimistic pessimistic linear bandit (OPLB), and prove an $widetilde{mathcal{O}}(frac{dsqrt{T}}{tau-c_0})$ bound on its $T$-round regret, where the denominator is the difference between the constraint threshold and the cost of a known feasible action. We further specialize our results to multi-armed bandits and propose a computationally efficient algorithm for this setting. We prove a regret bound of $widetilde{mathcal{O}}(frac{sqrt{KT}}{tau - c_0})$ for this algorithm in $K$-armed bandits, which is a $sqrt{K}$ improvement over the regret bound we obtain by simply casting multi-armed bandits as an instance of contextual linear bandits and using the regret bound of OPLB. We also prove a lower-bound for the problem studied in the paper and provide simulations to validate our theoretical results.

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