Extra dimensions have proven to be a very useful tool in constructing new physics models. In earlier work, we began investigating toy models for the 5-D analog of the kinetic mixing/vector portal scenario where the interactions of dark matter, taken to be, e.g., a complex scalar, with the brane-localized fields of the Standard Model (SM) are mediated by a massive $U(1)_D$ dark photon living in the bulk. These models were shown to have many novel features differentiating them from their 4-D analogs and which, in several cases, avoided some well-known 4-D model building constraints. However, these gains were obtained at the cost of the introduction of a fair amount of model complexity, e.g., dark matter Kaluza-Klein excitations. In the present paper, we consider an alternative setup wherein the dark matter and the dark Higgs, responsible for $U(1)_D$ breaking, are both localized to the dark brane at the opposite end of the 5-D interval from where the SM fields are located with only the dark photon now being a 5-D field. The phenomenology of such a setup is explored for both flat and warped extra dimensions and compared to the previous more complex models.