K-moduli of curves on a quadric surface and K3 surfaces

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We show that the K-moduli spaces of log Fano pairs $(mathbb{P}^1timesmathbb{P}^1, cC)$ where $C$ is a $(4,4)$-curve and their wall crossings coincide with the VGIT quotients of $(2,4)$ complete intersection curves in $mathbb{P}^3$. This, together with recent results by Laza-OGrady, implies that these K-moduli spaces form a natural interpolation between the GIT moduli space of $(4,4)$-curves on $mathbb{P}^1timesmathbb{P}^1$ and the Baily-Borel compactification of moduli of quartic hyperelliptic K3 surfaces.

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