Laser-induced Electron-Transfer in the Dissociative Multiple Ionization of Argon Dimers

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report on an experimental and theoretical study of the ionization-fragmentation dynamics of argon dimers in intense few-cycle laser pulses with a tagged carrier-envelope phase. We find that a field-driven electron transfer process from one argon atom across the system boundary to the other argon atom triggers sub-cycle electron-electron interaction dynamics in the neighboring atom. This attosecond electron-transfer process between distant entities and its implications manifest themselves as a distinct phase-shift between the measured asymmetry of electron emission curves of the $text{Ar}^{+}+text{Ar}^{2+}$ and $text{Ar}^{2+}+text{Ar}^{2+}$ fragmentation channels. Our work discloses a strong-field route to controlling the dynamics in molecular compounds through the excitation of electronic dynamics on a distant molecule by driving inter-molecular electron-transfer processes.

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