Spectral shapes of the Lyman-alpha emission from galaxies: I. blueshifted emission and intrinsic invariance with redshift

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We demonstrate the redshift-evolution of the spectral profile of H i Lyman-alpha (Ly{alpha}) emission from star-forming galaxies. In this first study we pay special attention to the contribution of blueshifted emission. At redshift z = 2.9-6.6, we compile spectra of a sample of 229 Ly{alpha}-selected galaxies identified with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer at the Very Large Telescope, while at low-z (< 0.44) we use a sample of 74 ultraviolet-selected galaxies observed with the Cosmic Origin Spectrograph onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. At low-z, where absorption from the intergalactic medium (IGM) is negligible, we show that the ratio of Ly{alpha} luminosity bluewards and redwards of line center (L_B/R) increases rapidly with increasing equivalent width (W Ly{alpha}). This correlation does not, however, emerge at z = 3-4, and we use bootstrap simulations to demonstrate that trends in L B/R should be suppressed by variations in IGM absorption. Our main result is that the observed blueshifted contribution evolves rapidly downwards with increasing redshift: L_B/R~30 % at z~0, but drops to 15 % at z~3, and to below 3 % by z~6. Applying further simulations of the IGM absorption to the unabsorbed COS spectrum, we demonstrate that this decrease in the blue-wing contribution can be entirely attributed to the thickening of intervening Ly{alpha} absorbing systems, with no need for additional H i opacity from local structure, companion galaxies, or cosmic infall. We discuss our results in light of the numerical radiative transfer simulations, the evolving total Ly{alpha} and ionizing output of galaxies, and the utility of resolved Ly{alpha} spectra in the reionization epoch.

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