Euclidean Black Saddles and AdS$_4$ Black Holes

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We find new asymptotically locally AdS$_4$ Euclidean supersymmetric solutions of the STU model in four-dimensional gauged supergravity. These black saddles have an $S^1times Sigma_{mathfrak{g}}$ boundary at asymptotic infinity and cap off smoothly in the interior. The solutions can be uplifted to eleven dimensions and are holographically dual to the topologically twisted ABJM theory on $S^1times Sigma_{mathfrak{g}}$. We show explicitly that the on-shell action of the black saddle solutions agrees exactly with the topologically twisted index of the ABJM theory in the planar limit for general values of the magnetic fluxes, flavor fugacities, and real masses. This agreement relies on a careful holographic renormalization analysis combined with a novel UV/IR holographic relation between supergravity parameters and field theory sources. The Euclidean black saddle solution space contains special points that can be Wick-rotated to regular Lorentzian supergravity backgrounds that correspond to the well-known supersymmetric dyonic AdS$_4$ black holes in the STU model.

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