Thermal Pure Quantum Matrix Product States Recovering a Volume Law Entanglement

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We propose a way to construct a thermal pure quantum matrix product state (TPQ-MPS) that can simulate finite temperature quantum many-body systems with a minimal numerical cost comparable to the matrix product algorithm for the ground state. The MPS was originally designed for the wave function with area-law entanglement. However, by attaching the auxiliary sites to the edges of the random matrix product state, we find that the degree of entanglement is automatically tuned so as to recover the volume law of the entanglement entropy that characterizes the TPQ state. The finite temperature physical quantities of the transverse Ising and the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains evaluated by a TPQ-MPS show excellent agreement even for bond dimension $sim 10$-$20$ with those of the exact results.

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