Linear independence in linear systems on elliptic curves

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve, with identity $O$, and let $C$ be a cyclic subgroup of odd order $N$, over an algebraically closed field $k$ with $operatorname{char} k mid N$. For $P in C$, let $s_P$ be a rational function with divisor $N cdot P - N cdot O$. We ask whether the $N$ functions $s_P$ are linearly independent. For generic $(E,C)$, we prove that the answer is yes. We bound the number of exceptional $(E,C)$ when $N$ is a prime by using the geometry of the universal generalized elliptic curve over $X_1(N)$. The problem can be recast in terms of sections of an arbitrary degree $N$ line bundle on $E$.

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