Implications of the mild gas motion found with Hitomi in the core of the Perseus cluster

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Based mainly on X-ray observations, studies are made on interactions between the intra-cluster medium (ICM) in clusters of galaxies and their member galaxies. Through (magneto)hydrodynamic and gravitational channels, the moving galaxies are expected to drag the ICM around them, and transfer to the ICM some fraction of their dynamical energies on cosmological time scales. This hypothesis is in line with several observations, including the possible cosmological infall of galaxies towards the cluster center, found over redshifts of z~1 to z~0. Further assuming that the energy lost by the galaxies is first converted into ICM turbulence and then dissipated, this picture can explain the subsonic and uniform ICM turbulence, measured with Hitomi in the core region of the Perseus cluster. The scenario may also explain several other unanswered problems regarding clusters of galaxies, including what prevents the ICM from the expected radiative cooling, how the various mass components in nearby clusters have attained different radial distributions, and how a thermal stability is realized between hot and cool ICM components that co-exist around cD galaxies. This view is also considered to pertain to the general scenario of galaxy evolution, including their environmental effects.

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