Planar Turan number of the 6-cycle

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let ${rm ex}_{mathcal{P}}(n,T,H)$ denote the maximum number of copies of $T$ in an $n$-vertex planar graph which does not contain $H$ as a subgraph. When $T=K_2$, ${rm ex}_{mathcal{P}}(n,T,H)$ is the well studied function, the planar Turan number of $H$, denoted by ${rm ex}_{mathcal{P}}(n,H)$. The topic of extremal planar graphs was initiated by Dowden (2016). He obtained sharp upper bound for both ${rm ex}_{mathcal{P}}(n,C_4)$ and ${rm ex}_{mathcal{P}}(n,C_5)$. Later on, Y. Lan, et al. continued this topic and proved that ${rm ex}_{mathcal{P}}(n,C_6)leq frac{18(n-2)}{7}$. In this paper, we give a sharp upper bound ${rm ex}_{mathcal{P}}(n,C_6) leq frac{5}{2}n-7$, for all $ngeq 18$, which improves Lans result. We also pose a conjecture on ${rm ex}_{mathcal{P}}(n,C_k)$, for $kgeq 7$.

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