Data Augmentation Imbalance For Imbalanced Attribute Classification

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Pedestrian attribute recognition is an important multi-label classification problem. Although the convolutional neural networks are prominent in learning discriminative features from images, the data imbalance in multi-label setting for fine-grained tasks remains an open problem. In this paper, we propose a new re-sampling algorithm called: data augmentation imbalance (DAI) to explicitly enhance the ability to discriminate the fewer attributes via increasing the proportion of labels accounting for a small part. Fundamentally, by applying over-sampling and under-sampling on the multi-label dataset at the same time, the thought of robbing the rich attributes and helping the poor makes a significant contribution to DAI. Extensive empirical evidence shows that our DAI algorithm achieves state-of-the-art results, based on pedestrian attribute datasets, i.e. standard PA-100K and PETA datasets.

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