Information Freshness in Cache Updating Systems

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider a cache updating system with a source, a cache and a user. There are $n$ files. The source keeps the freshest version of the files which are updated with known rates $lambda_i$. The cache downloads and keeps the freshest version of the files from the source with rates $c_i$. The user gets updates from the cache with rates $u_i$. When the user gets an update, it either gets a fresh update from the cache or the file at the cache becomes outdated by a file update at the source in which case the user gets an outdated update. We find an analytical expression for the average freshness of the files at the user. Next, we generalize our setting to the case where there are multiple caches in between the source and the user, and find the average freshness at the user. We provide an alternating maximization based method to find the update rates for the cache(s), $c_i$, and for the user, $u_i$, to maximize the freshness of the files at the user. We observe that for a given set of update rates for the user (resp. for the cache), the optimal rate allocation policy for the cache (resp. for the user) is a $threshold$ $policy$, where the optimal update rates for rapidly changing files at the source may be equal to zero. Finally, we consider a system where multiple users are connected to a single cache and find update rates for the cache and the users to maximize the total freshness over all users.

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