Query-Variant Advertisement Text Generation with Association Knowledge

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Advertising is an important revenue source for many companies. However, it is expensive to manually create advertisements that meet the needs of various queries for massive items. In this paper, we propose the query-variant advertisement text generation task that aims to generate candidate advertisements for different queries with various needs given the item keywords. In this task, for many different queries there is only one general purposed advertisement with no predefined query-advertisement pair, which would discourage traditional End-to-End models from generating query-variant advertisements for different queries with different needs. To deal with the problem, we propose a query-variant advertisement text generation model that takes keywords and associated external knowledge as input during training and adds different queries during inference. Adding external knowledge helps the model adapted to the information besides the item keywords during training, which makes the transition between training and inference more smoothing when the query is added during inference. Both automatic and human evaluation show that our model can generate more attractive and query-focused advertisements than the strong baselines.

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