Coded Secure Multi-Party Computation for Massive Matrices with Adversarial Nodes

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this work, we consider the problem of secure multi-party computation (MPC), consisting of $Gamma$ sources, each has access to a large private matrix, $N$ processing nodes or workers, and one data collector or master. The master is interested in the result of a polynomial function of the input matrices. Each source sends a randomized functions of its matrix, called as its share, to each worker. The workers process their shares in interaction with each other, and send some results to the master such that it can derive the final result. There are several constraints: (1) each worker can store a function of each input matrix, with the size of $frac{1}{m}$ fraction of that input matrix, (2) up to $t$ of the workers, for some integer $t$, are adversary and may collude to gain information about the private inputs or can do malicious actions to make the final result incorrect. The objective is to design an MPC scheme with the minimum number the workers, called the recovery threshold, such that the final result is correct, workers learn no information about the input matrices, and the master learns nothing beyond the final result. In this paper, we propose an MPC scheme that achieves the recovery threshold of $3t+2m-1$ workers, which is order-wise less than the recovery threshold of the conventional methods. The challenge in dealing with this set up is that when nodes interact with each other, the malicious messages that adversarial nodes generate propagate through the system, and can mislead the honest nodes. To deal with this challenge, we design some subroutines that can detect erroneous messages, and correct or drop them.

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