Cross-domain Face Presentation Attack Detection via Multi-domain Disentangled Representation Learning

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Face presentation attack detection (PAD) has been an urgent problem to be solved in the face recognition systems. Conventional approaches usually assume the testing and training are within the same domain; as a result, they may not generalize well into unseen scenarios because the representations learned for PAD may overfit to the subjects in the training set. In light of this, we propose an efficient disentangled representation learning for cross-domain face PAD. Our approach consists of disentangled representation learning (DR-Net) and multi-domain learning (MD-Net). DR-Net learns a pair of encoders via generative models that can disentangle PAD informative features from subject discriminative features. The disentangled features from different domains are fed to MD-Net which learns domain-independent features for the final cross-domain face PAD task. Extensive experiments on several public datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for cross-domain PAD.

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